Neil Faulkner wrote:
From: Mistral
As I sit here eating my turkey sandwich and reading my lyst mail, I come across a post from Neil. Now, I know Neil thinks it's immoral for me to eat my turkey sandwich - but I don't assume that he thinks I'm a sick and evil person because of it.
No, of course not. You don't have to eat turkey to be a sick and evil person:)
Thank you for enabling me to win my bet with myself ;-)
What I actually believe is that it is ethically (not morally) unjustifiable for turkeys to be killed in order to stuff a sandwich.
Ah. My deepest apologies for having misrepresented you. 'Twas a fault unwilling.
(With the usual special case caveats - if it was a choice between Turkey Sandwich or Death
From Starvation, I'd probably fight you for it.)
Well, perhaps I can qualify for a special case then. I did _want_ to be a vegetarian, but due to several food allergies and insulin resistance, I've found it impossible to get adequate protein to safeguard my health without eating meat.
If it were somehow possible to stuff the sandwich without killing a turkey, I might very well ask you to make two sandwiches, one for you and one for me. I like the taste of turkey, even though I refuse to eat it.
So then you would find vat-grown meat acceptable, as long as whatever original material was required to start the growth didn't require killing the animal?
And how would you feel about that plant life on Centero with the intelligence rating?