<I have been following the 'discussions' re: this subject and have sorely wanted to say something, but being new (and also, my last post being something, I'd rather forget)I wasn't quite sure how to 'step in' with my thoughts on the subject. However; Neil, has made it easy for me with his(IMO)very well thought out post. This expresses exactly(to my mind)what is inherently wrong with nude and/or suggestive drawings of real people who have not given actual consent for these to be undertaken. I personally, see nothing wrong with pictures of say Avon and Servalan kissing or Avon and Cally/alien or Blake and Inga, Vila and Kerril etc, as this is in keeping with aspects of the show but anything out of sexual context with the show really should not be displayed in realistic imagery. JMO folks but Neil did ask and this is where I stand.>
Excellent post, Cheryl, you've said it better than I could. Here's to more of same.
A lot of people on the slash thread have been saying that slash/porn is fine so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Which is fine, when you're talking about fans, who as, people have pointed out, can just turn the page. But isn't it hurtful to the actors to have their images used in this way, without their consent (or, frequently, knowledge)? Other people have talked about slash as depicting love-- but how loving is it to use someone's image in a way which they likely would not enjoy being depicted? Or to take the characters several people have collectively created and developed, and place them in scenarios which are completely at odds with this characterization? IMO it could even be seen as a form of contempt, hatred even, for the people who created the series if not for the premises of the series itself.
"Avon, you were my only friend..." --Blake