NOTE: all quotes are from "The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines." I'm leaving a lot out - most of which applies, some of which doesn't. If you want the latter, well, buy the book. It's interesting. ;-) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Avon is clearly a layered Bad Boy/Professor. (Remember, layered characters have conflicting emotions and goals, and are frequently at war with themselves over what to do.)
Let's start with the Bad Boy aspects:
"The BAD BOY struts into every room, daring one and all to knock the chip from his shoulder. It may seem that he cares nothing for the opinion of others, but in fact, the reverse is true. .... As far as he is concerned, it is not his fault other people cannot - or will not - see the man beneath the image."
"His allure is irresistible. Women are attracted to this cool, wild and moody man like moths to a forbidden flame."
"The BAD BOY covers up his smoldering passions with a leather jacket and a cocky smirk."
"Behind his insolent stare lies a disappointed idealist-a man who wants to believe in honor and integrity, he cannot quite do so. He keeps his secrets deep inside himself, trusting no one. Beware. If pushed, he can show a dark and angry side."
"Life either dealt him a lousy hand or changed the rules when he was holding four of a kind. Unwilling to play the game society expects of him, he follows his own code of conduct. There are lines he will not cross, but only he decides where those lines are drawn. If he does give his word-a rare occurrence!-he keeps it."
Under virtues:
"Street Smart - This is the guy to have around when walking down a dark alley or when confronting a con artist."
Under flaws:
"Pessimistic-He has learned the hard way that most people tend to be selfish. The BAD BOY expects the worst from everyone; it is safer than letting his guard down and being hurt. He is leery about trusting anyone with his heart."
"Bitter-The BAD BOY never forgets. His idealism has been crushed and only resentment and animosity remain. He carries his grudge with pride."
"BAD BOYS: + like to be their own bosses + do not enjoy being told what to do + won't do a job that goes against their principles + are not the easiest guys to get along with"
Amusingly, under suggested occupations, #2 is Computer Hacker and #3 is Outlaw. ;-)
Turning to The Professor layer:
"The PROFESSOR has all the answers. He takes the time to examine every aspect of an issue. This guy is logical, introverted and faithful. No fast breaks or hurried decisions for him. When he makes a commitment, he invariably follows through, but he will do it in his own time, and only after all the facts are in."
"The PROFESSOR's strength is his intellect or special ability. Expert in one field or many, he has turned his life into one big science project. Every experience, every emotions, every physical sensation has been the subject of object observation. He is thoughtful, but not necessarily considerate."
"He is used to being the smarted man in the room. His genius has set him apart from others for most of his life. However, this experience does not make it any easier for him to remember to communicate on levels understood by the less gifted. The inability of other people to keep up with him intellectually is a constant source of frustration for him. As a result, his social skills may not be up to par."
"Trust the PROFESSOR to find the solution, but do not expect any explanations. They would be too hard to understand anyway."
Under virtues:
"Expert-Not just smart, the PROFESSOR also is educated. ...Whatever his chosen field, he is the recognized authority."
"Analytical-This is a man who thinks before he acts."
"Genuine-The PROFESSOR has not developed the disguises others have. When he gives his heart, he is painfully vulnerable. True to his commitments, he never pretends something he does not actually feel."
Under flaws:
"Insular-He inhabits his own world and is unwilling to make room for others. The PROFESSOR knows everything about his field of choice, but nothing at all about other aspects of life. Devoting one's life to building that better mousetrap does not leave much time for socializing."
He falls into the MR. ORGANIZED style:
"His desk is immaculate, his home is immaculate and he is always immaculate."
For suggested occupations, #2 is Computer Programmer. ;-)
Susan Beth (