jacquispeel@netscape.net wrote:
Vila when introduced does not come across as a regular news broadcast viewer/listener - but he is more aware of Avon's crime than who Blake is (or was).
I am inclined to think that either he *did* see Avon on the news (Maybe he just happened to turn it on that day? Or maybe he only pays attention to news about fellow thieves, and ignores it when the political types come on?), or was told about him by another prisoner. Or maybe he heard about it on the criminal grapevine. ("Hey, Vila, did you hear about the guy who tried to rob the Federation banking system and got caught? Bloody amateurs!")
Why does Blake not recognise the name at least - they are both professionals/white collar workers?
Blake's memory is still pretty chaotic at the moment, maybe? Or maybe *he* doesn't watch the news.
(BTW looking at the transit cell in The Way Back it appears that it had about 10-12 prisoners - so there were probably 2-3 more such - and each row of seats in the London might represent one such transit cell).
There must have been at least one more, seeing as Avon and Gan don't seem to have been in the cell with Vila, Jenna & Blake.