And again... <sigh> Sorry. I'm computer-impaired still...
Followers of the Goddess
The concept of the Golden Goddess Soolin, her Acolyte Dayna, and the Chief Hairdresser Vila was the invention of Lindley, now no longer with us. But worth a mention anyway.
Hey, Kathryn, I'm back in Federation-land again! <huggles> Missed ya. And I'm very touched that the Temple has not been altogether lost in the mists of time... <wiping away a tear> My own adoration for Soolin has never been abated. I still consider her beautiful, charming, admirable and sadly under rated, with truly phenomenal hair... And hair is important.
Can I just ask, though, that if this Lyst Culture Guide does become semi- official, you'll change "Lindley" to the name I'm generally known as around
net now, "Kanna-Ophelia"? (If you're talking to-quoting me, Kanna, Ophelia
K-O are equally acceptable.) I'm no longer as sanguine about using my real
as I was back then...
<<>People don't tend to introduce themselves or welcome
newbies -- we just get on with the discussion. Please don't consider this unfriendly; it's simply... focused.
....This habit (which I agree is currently in evidence) being one in point. Rather than incorporating it into the Lyst 'rule set' perhaps we should at least *consider* changing it? Perhaps we really *are* being unfriendly? The once-a-year 'everyone posts an introduction' idea on FC seemed quite fun to this (chatty) list-reader.>>
I agree with Tavia. Kathryn, honey, if I read this as a newbie, I would feel distinctly unwelcome, even though I appreciate that's not what you intended.
For my part, I know it's *infinitely* nicer joining a group and being
than making the first step of delurking and being ignored. I know that on my own group, if I'm distracted for some reason, I'm glad I can rely on two or three others always making newbies feel wanted. Maybe Avon types would hate it, but it's only a matter of enduring a hello or two, and surely there's a
Vilas and Gans around whose needs are equally worthy of being respected <g>.
But then, I'm not really an Avon fan... <cowers>
At risk of sounding - fuzzy or intrusive - I hope I won't step on any toes
I occaisionally say hello to a newbie? Being a second-time-round newbie myself...
And the Lyst members who wrote welcoming me back certainly gave me a
sense of the fuzzies. <sends warm fuzzies back>
XXX Kanna-Ophelia (INFP <g>) Femmeslash: The Pokeslash Playground: Diversion Tactics:
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