Kathryn wrote:
But to take the other appendage... another reason *I* like Blake's 7 is that they keep on fighting, even though it *is* a hopeless cause, even though they don't have any great chance of winning. Blake is fighting because it is The Right Thing To Do.
Sudden thought, vaguely associated with Star One: the Right Thing, even when it's Wrong. viz it's better for him to attempt to do something, even if he has to get his hands dirty, than to make such a fuss about dirty hands that nothing gets done at all.
Possibly not connected - catching up on the weekend's newspapers, I came across a quote from an essay by Harold Pinter on Shakespeare, which apparently likens the plays to an open wound (not quite clear how): "Shakespeare amputates, deadens, aggravates at will, within the limits of a particular piece, but he will not pronounce judgment or cure."
I've not really got my head round what he's saying yet, but the last line struck a chord. An awful lot of drama seems designed to pronounce judgment or cure.