> > character, not the episode, and as based on a statement about his actions
> > (that he left her to die) which I didn't agree was *fact* but rather
> > supposition.
> 300 e-mails later, and you still don't agree that he left her to die (even
> if only in thirty years' time)? Oh well, suit yourself... :).
> Fiona
Well, if he'd had her join the crew, she would have died at Guada Prime
in a hailstorm of bullets. If not gotten blown up on Terminal. I think
dying in 30 years time on her home planet is a better thing.
Also, by that logic, they left Del Grant to die; they left Avalon to die
(wherever they dropped her off at); they left, in short, everyone to die
whom they did not actually *kill or see die* in any given episode.
Also by this logic, any old friend who I have lost touch with I have
"left to die, even if in thirty years time".