Hello dan!
A new ad has been added for you with the click price $.45.
Please, log in to your ExpoActive account to review it and add it to your block of ads.
The ad is:
Attract 1000s of Visitors
Relevant website traffic means sales. Start bringing
thousands of potential customers to your site today!
Hello dan!
A new ad has been added for you with the click price $.60.
Please, log in to your ExpoActive account to review it and add it to your block of ads.
The ad is:
Get paid to click ads
Easy payments
Hello dan !
We are very excited that you have accepted our offer. It is now possible for you to start showing ExpoActive ads on your website and receive payment for each click.
To place the ads on your website you will first need to log into your ExpoActive Publisher account so that you can decide which ads you want to show. Additionally you will be able to modify the visual appearance of the ads so that they integrate well into your site.
When you are satisfied simply copy/paste the HTML ad code (located in your Publisher Account) onto the pages of your site.
If you would prefer you can simply use the default ad settings by pasting the below ad code to your site. At any time you can log into your ExpoActive Publisher Account and view your click earnings in real time.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript' SRC='http://www.expoactive.com/sh.php?id_p=9809&id=68442&i1=68442&i2=-24&o=v'></SCRIPT>
Please do not reply to this email. If you need assistance contact support(a)expoactive.com