Or, better still, cook your own refdoc/structure file, to only list documentation entities you have and want in the result? That file was at least intended to be pluggable and to make it easier to do lots of different views of the refdocs.
/ Johan Sundström (fångar heffaklumpar)
Previous text:
2003-11-12 01:54: Subject: Re: module modref
ah, ok. I'll try ignoring the return on that step then. thanks!
On Tuesday, November 11, 2003, at 07:30 PM, Martin Nilsson (saturator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
I think that failure is nothing more than a warning. It is anyway caused by the <insert-move entity="_Roxen"/> and the likes in the xml files in refdoc/structure.
/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)
Previous text:
2003-11-12 00:44: Subject: module modref
I'm working on creating a module only modref, but am running into the following problem:
I've created the autodoc.xml containing only the markup for my module. Then I run the following command:
pike -x assemble_autodoc /usr/local/pike/7.5.12/doc//src/structure/modref.xml \ plib/autodoc.xml >plib/modref.xml
And get the following output:
Parsing structure file "/usr/local/pike/7.5.12/doc//src/structure/modref.xml". Executing reference expansion and queueing node insertions. Parsing autodoc file "plib/autodoc.xml". Executing node insertions. Failed to move predef::._Roxen Failed to move predef::.__builtin
Can anyone with more knowledge of the autodoc system help me out with this one? It looks like there must be some references to these "modules" but i don't know how to remove those dependencies.
Any thoughts?
/ Brevbäraren
/ Brevbäraren