Peter Bortas @ Pike developers forum wrote:
That's the information I'd like to see now _on the list_ before each checkin that changes behaviour. I know you are doing good work with the Postgres bindings, and I will continue to turn a blind eye to that.
Well, I have fixed and brushed up the existing Postgres driver as much as I needed for the short term (it is stable in its current form and heavily tested in a production environment, I don't think I'll be making much changes there anymore in the future), I'm about to include an alternate driver (pgsql.pike) which is available as the second method to connect to PostgreSQL databases, and as it looks now, it is probably going to be the preferred method; over time the old driver could be deprecated perhaps.
The putback functionality is good to have, and I don't mind including it if I was sure "unget()" was the absolute best name for this function and the documentation was complete? and the ChangeLog was updated and this was generally accepted among other developers. Why
ChangeLog, didn't know I had to update that, but will do so after we've decided on what it is going to be called. The documentation, well, I've had some experience with that now, writing my own pgsql driver from "scratch", but not nearly enough, so I missed some of the fine-points there. I'll see what I can do to brush that up.
not "unread()" which is less likely to be confused with *gets*()?
You might be right. The reason why I didn't pick "unread" is because in English it is usually pronounced as "un-red" (meaning: not read yet), and we actually want "un-reed" (meaning: reverse the operation of read). Then again, maybe the alternate meaning of "not read yet" is not so bad either, because we declare that piece of string to be "unread" as it were. I'll change it to "unread", and wait for comments from the rest here.
? @seealso is now incomplete for all the other related functions.
I'll check it.