I think this debate is really uninteresting and unnecessary. If the current build system is flexible enough to cope with Debian, then it is up to the debian maintainer to fix whatever needs to be fixed. If the current build system isn't flexible enough, then the source code and the CVS is available for the maintiner to fix whatever needs to be fixed.
/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)
Previous text:
2004-01-26 21:43: Subject: Re: Pike @ Debian
pike -x module is a new build system.
Let's generate aclocal.m4 from pike, then you would not complain about that file, right?
Then we put the information in the current dynamic_module_makefile in lib/modules/Tools.pmod/Build.pmod or somthing similar.
Would that be better?
Note that nothing would really be differnt. But anal debian maintainers would probably be happier.
Personally I think it would be pointless to do all this work for nothing, though.
/ Per Hedbor ()