I'm explaining the intended interpretation to you, as you asked me to do. It has nothing to do with opinion, nor with weaponry.
If you want opinions, presenting alternative wordings to have options about would be a good place to start. I see you have suggested one already, my opinion on that one is that it's a bit long; do you think you could make it a bit shorter without compromising your clarity goal?
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2003-02-11 00:03: Subject: Re: Implicit vs. explicit type casting with Pike
On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 11:30:07PM +0100, Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!) @ Pike (-) developers forum scribbled:
What does it say then?
It says:
which means that the following is an account of the expected, or correct, value for the argument
thank you
which means that the value should be of type `object'
thank you
which means that the object should have some property
or that it should be used WITH the subject that follows
which means that the name of this property should be `_m_delete'.
Or that the named subject is to contain an attribute named as it preposition.
Nowhere does it say anything about passing anything to _m_delete.
In your opinion.
I understand that English is not your native language, but this sentence structure isn't really that complicated, is it?
I understand that English is not your native language, but this sentence structure isn't reall that clear, is it? Or are you saying that you know better than a native English speaker? As I said, my English may suck, but I do accept an opinion of a born English speaker - and not your opinion on the interpretation of the message.
And is it really your only weapon to nit pick on my English? Hmm? Is that the only argument you have? If yes, then I'm sorry for you. That's a low blow.
Just to nit-pick even more:
Method m_delete
mixed m_delete(object|mapping map, mixed index) Description
If map is an object that implements lfun::_m_delete() , that function will be called with index as the signle argument.
Other wise if map is a mapping the entry with index index will be removed from map destructively.
If the mapping does not have an entry with index index , nothing is done.
Why does m_delete reports an error when an object is passed? According to the above documentation, it is perfectly fine to pass an object that has no _m_delete method to that function. The word IF doesn't imply a requirement, but a possibility. In that light, the error message (the first part) is not valid according to the documentation. Change the word IF to MUST and you have just cleared up the doubt. Or is my English failing me again?
/ Brevbäraren