[This thread is obviously off topic now, but it's hard to continue elsewhere.]
The correspondence between email lists and quoting vs LysKOM conferences and lack of quoting is a good one, so that saying that the custom is related to the clients - or more accurately to the protocols - is not unreasonable.
True, I made an assumption about that email clients might not be able to look up the old messages. I was being defensive; assuming otherwise would rule out some clients. But if it's a policy of the email export list to require people to have such capable clients then it's of course fine to change the exporter.
Btw, in my opinion you quote a bit too much, especially since you're obviously aware that we like to avoid quoting here. E.g. in your response there I think your quote of my message was unnecessary.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-01-27 19:47: Subject: Re: attaching messages (was: Module system and building modules (was Bz2))
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 07:05:03PM +0100, Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS @ Pike developers forum wrote:
Well, it isn't that wrong in that direction. By custom, LysKOM messages rarely quotes the messages they respond to (typically only when a message contains several different issues and one wish to link the responses to each of them) while normal email almost always quotes. Therefore it's reasonable that the exporter adds quotes to the messages written in LysKOM.
it is not reasonable.
first, appending the old message is hated and depreciated on almost all mailinglists i know. quoting is done, but NOT the way the exporter does it. therefore this does not really solve what you are trying to solve.
second the style whether things are quoted at all or not has nothing to do with wether you use a lyskom client or an email client, but it depends on the consensus of the forum.
the consensus of this forum (and all lyskom forums) is, to hardly ever quote anything. this consensus is fine, and email users should be expected to follow that consensus, and don't need special treatment.
another assumption you make is, that email readers are unable to look up old mails. this will only be true if they delete all read mails. but then they have only themselves to blame. lyskom is a system where messages are stored for unlimited time, and i'd expect email users to accept that they will need to store their own copies if they want to be able to read old messages like lyskom users are able to.
note that, being an email user myself i am not expecting from anyone anything more than from myself.
greetings, martin. ps: it is interresting to note that the message handling in lyskom is very similar to that in sTeam (www.open-steam.org). if there was a Protocols.Lyskom.Server, then we could turn sTeam into a lyskom server, and have lyskom completely in pike :-)
/ Brevbäraren