The configure stuff to setup the bundles can easily get into an infinite loop if there's an error in the configure script. This is especially bothersome because it causes xenofarm clients to hang.
A recent example:
configure: configuring in modules configure: running /bin/sh '/home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/' CC=rntcl --cache-file=.././config.cache --srcdir=/home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/ configure: loading cache .././config.cache /home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/ syntax error at line 3: `MOD_LDSHARED=${MOD_LDSHARED=$' unexpected configure: configuring in post_modules configure: running /bin/sh '/home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/' CC=rntcl --cache-file=.././config.cache --srcdir=/home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/ configure: loading cache .././config.cache /home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/ syntax error at line 3: `MOD_LDSHARED=${MOD_LDSHARED=$' unexpected
################################################### # Extracting bundles... # Requested from: # ./post_modules/Nettle/nettle.bundle checking for bundle nettle... /home/build/xenofarm/client/pike-7.7/ configure: WARNING: Bundle nettle already installed. Requested from: ./post_modules/Nettle/nettle.bundle Fixing libraries... Clearing cached variables related to the bundles.
Rerunning halted configures with the bundles nettle enabled.
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