*** glibc detected *** pike: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000a6a780 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/[0x2af065141d46] /usr/lib/[0x2af066af7ffa] /usr/lib/[0x2af066af80fb] /usr/lib/[0x2af066af7540] /usr/local/pike/7.6.112/lib/modules/[0x2af066425e68] /usr/lib/[0x2af066ae78ea] /usr/lib/[0x2af066ae4fca] /usr/lib/[0x2af066ae3ef6] /usr/lib/[0x2af066ae0dff] /usr/local/pike/7.6.112/lib/modules/[0x2af066427cd2] pike(low_mega_apply+0xc7d)[0x42c73d] ...
Managed to trig it with 7.7:
| > strlen(Image.JPEG.encode(Image.JPEG.decode(Stdio.read_bytes("DSC00354.JPG"))->scale(0.1))); | *** glibc detected *** pike-7.7: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000b27ea0 *** | ======= Backtrace: ========= | /lib/[0x2acff84d3d46] | /usr/lib/[0x2acff9a24ffa] | /usr/lib/[0x2acff9a250fb] | ...
(Just had to switch from Image.load to the above construct.)
Image exists as if anyone wants to try it. I'll see if I can get valgrind running tomorrow (remind me if I forget).
Hm, how did I get valgrind running again? It doesn't seem to link with anything, it complains about missing VALGRIND_MAKE_*.
Is there a special make target I forgot? valgrind........ yes, using /usr/bin/valgrind -q --tool=memcheck
You have an old version of pike in combination with valgrind 3.x?
cvs log -rHEAD src/pike_memory.h
RCS file: /pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.7/src/pike_memory.h,v Working file: src/pike_memory.h head: 1.56 branch: locks: strict access list: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 56; selected revisions: 1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/01/29 12:02:19; author: per; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 Support newer valgrind versions
Yep, that's simple...
Can't seem to trigger it in valgrind_hilfe. :p Can trigger it in the normal run_hilfe. Evasive...