This script fails: #!/usr/bin/pike7.2 static { object cache = class{ mapping env; }(); } void create() { cache->env = getenv(); } int main() { write( (string)sizeof(cache->env)+"\n" ); return 0; }
=> No such variable (env) in object. bug.pike:8: create()
With plain `static object cache = ...' it works as expected. I'm not able to check right now whether this bug (?) is still present in 7.4, sorry...
Yep, same thing with 7.4.
/ rjb
Previous text:
2003-01-06 12:14: Subject: Problem with `modifier { ... }'
This script fails: #!/usr/bin/pike7.2 static { object cache = class{ mapping env; }(); } void create() { cache->env = getenv(); } int main() { write( (string)sizeof(cache->env)+"\n" ); return 0; }
=> No such variable (env) in object. bug.pike:8: create()
With plain `static object cache = ...' it works as expected. I'm not able to check right now whether this bug (?) is still present in 7.4, sorry...
/ rjb