As an example, you cannot set pipes to nonblocking mode without also causing the remote end to switch to nonblocking operation.
Hmm, on which OS? And are you talking of traditonal pipes created with pipe(), or about socket pairs? That the non-blocking flag would not be local to a socket end point sounds quite bizarre.
/ Niels Möller ()
Previous text:
2003-03-19 13:41: Subject: I/O callbacks in blocking mode
As an example, you cannot set pipes to nonblocking mode without also causing the remote end to switch to nonblocking operation.
/ Per Hedbor ()
Linux, and traditional pipe()s. The same is true on NT for named pipes, btw.
/ Per Hedbor ()
Previous text:
2003-03-19 13:43: Subject: I/O callbacks in blocking mode
Hmm, on which OS? And are you talking of traditonal pipes created with pipe(), or about socket pairs? That the non-blocking flag would not be local to a socket end point sounds quite bizarre.
/ Niels Möller ()