The recommended way about using pike -x module need some special version of autoconf... that is *not* present on all target machines.
You don't need to run autoconf on the target machine. Just run "pike -x module --autoconf" on a machine which has the appropriate autoconf version, and include the generated configure script in the distribution. pike -x module on the target machine will see that the configure script already exists and has a timestamp that is newer than, and it will not try to rerun autoconf.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2004-03-29 19:11: Subject: Re: ADD_FUNCTION() macro on pike 7.5 ?
Le 29 mars 04, à 13:35, Martin Nilsson (provokatör) @ Pike (-) developers forum a écrit :
but outside that, eg custom pike C modules made (hardly) by hand, the .pmod is not automatically generated.
Not if you use the correct build procedure (pike -x module) for external modules.
The recommended way about using pike -x module need some special version of autoconf... that is *not* present on all target machines.
So wa have to make a stable way to make it.
This one is good.... but external (home made) modules are allways dynamic modules (eg .so)...
No. If the Pike can not handle dynamic modules (because it is not possible on that platform) you would compile pike with the external modules as static modules.
So you have to recompile pike isn't it ?
Xavier Beaudouin - Unix System Administrator & Projects Leader. President of Kazar Organization : Please visit, home of Caudium & Camas projects
/ Brevbäraren