That looks like dists and smells like dists, but it sure ain't dists. Please at least fix the URL to contain the appropriate warnings.
/ Peter Bortas
Previous text:
2004-09-20 20:05: Subject: Re: links for bleeding edge source packages
/xavier Le 20 sept. 04, à 15:45, Michael J. Stenitzer @ Pike developers forum a écrit :
wouldn't it be nice to have links for the latest source packages exportet by pikefarm at the website.
i can only find at the download page and currently i always change the url manually to download the latest code for 7.4, 7.6 etc. (or did i miss a different download place?)
-- Xavier Beaudouin - Unix System Administrator & Projects Leader. President of Kazar Organization : Please visit, home of Caudium & Camas projects
/ Brevbäraren