I've placed the first version of the unbundled Monger tool up on the modules.gotpike.org website. Unbundling the monger tool is the first step toward making all Pike modules available outside the pike distribution.
This first release offers significant new functionality for developer types, in that it allows a certain amount of change functionality when working with the remote module repository. In fact, this functionality was used to create the new version of Tools.Monger and upload its source using Tools.Monger.MongerDeveloper. As of right now, you'll have to create a new module using the web interface. I think that the most dangerous situations are caught, but please don't purposely try to crash the repository :)
Here's an example:
object m = Tools.Monger.MongerDeveloper(); m->set_auth("joedeveloper", "pikerulez");
(1) Result: 0
m->add_new_version("Tools.Monger", "7.6.28", "This is the first
functional unbundled release of the Monger tool.\nThis version includes developer functionality, such as version creation,\ndependency functionality, and source upload.", "GPL/LGPL/MPL"); (2) Result: 1
m->set_dependency("Tools.Monger", "7.6.28", "Pike", "7.6.0", "7.7.999", 1);
(3) Result: 1
m->set_module_source("Tools.Monger", "7.6.28",
"Tools_Monger-7.6.28.tar.gz"); (2) Result: 1
To get the new release, use this command with any 7.6.6 or higher release of Pike:
pike -x monger --install Tools.Monger
You may need to remove your Tools.pmod/Standalone.pmod/monger.pike.o file if you get annoyed at the out of date warning messages.
Obviously, this is just a first step, and so there are some things that are less than ideal, but I think it's a big step in the right direction for users and developers.
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.