where are they? can't find them in the subversion source tree. shouldn't they be here: http://svn.collab.net/viewcvs/svn/trunk/subversion/bindings/
greetings, martin.
They are in svn+ssh://pike.ida.liu.se/pike/data/repos/svnmodule/trunk currently.
what became out of the idea to maintain the pike bindings in the svn source?
could you also add a snapshot to modules.gotpike.org so that pike users can install it easely?
at the moment the code is impossible to find for either the average pike or svn user/developer.
greetings, martin.
The idea was that it was easier to work with the code outside the main svn repository until it was finished. There are no bindings to the svn_fs and svn_repos libraries yet (needed for the server).
could you also add a snapshot to modules.gotpike.org so that pike users can install it easely?
Apparently not. When I try, I just get this message:
| We were unable to set the source for your module. The following | condition caused this error: | | You did not provide a source file. | | Please correct this problem and try again.
i get: $ svn co svn+ssh://pike.ida.liu.se/pike/data/repos/svnmodule/trunk Enter passphrase for key '/home/mbaehr/.ssh/id_dsa': bash: svnserve: command not found svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
greetings, martin.
Then I don't know what's wrong. svnserve does exist in /pike/sw/bin, and it works fine for me.
This is what my .tcshrc says:
setenv PATH /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/pike/sw/bin:/usr/local/bin
Do you have a corresponding line in your .bashrc, or whatever it is that bash uses?
setenv PATH /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/pike/sw/bin:/usr/local/bin Do you have a corresponding line in your .bashrc, or whatever it is that bash uses?
no, but i do get $ echo $PATH /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/pike/sw/bin:/usr/local/bin
when i log in. and i can access svnserve there.
greetings, martin.
Then perhaps you should try that?
but i do get $ echo $PATH /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/pike/sw/bin:/usr/local/bin
when i log in. and i can access svnserve there.
But you clearly don't get it when you're using svn. So there is something wrong with your bash config, I'd say.
But you clearly don't get it when you're using svn. So there is something wrong with your bash config, I'd say.
if anything there is something wrong with the maschines bash setup. i should not have to set the default path again for this.
anyways putting the path in .bashrc fixes it. (i have never needed a .bashrc on any machine so far)
greetings, martin.
if anything there is something wrong with the maschines bash setup. i should not have to set the default path again for this.
As I don't use bash, I have not done anything to the machines bash setup. So either there was something wrong with it from the beginning (Solaris 8 clean install), somebody else broke it, or you are wrong. :-)
I generally leave the environment alone and leave it to the user to set it up unless there is end-end-users involved.