I would like use SQLite in Pike, so I tried install Sql.Provider.SQLite module. Here is what command I typed: pike -x monger --install Sql.Provider.SQLite
It downloaded Sql.Provider.SQLite version 1.6, but after extract it, it says that: ============================================================== Sql_Provider_SQLite-1.6/configure make PIKE_INCLUDES=-I/usr/include/pike PIKE_SRC_DIR=/usr/include/pike BUILD_BASE=/usr/include/pike MODULE_BASE=/usr/include/pike TMP_BINDIR=/usr/include/pike SRCDIR=. FULL_SRCDIR=/root/.monger/Sql_Provider_SQLite-1.6/ TMP_MODULE_BASE=. PIKE_EXTERNAL_MODULE=pike_external_module CORE_AUTODOC_PATH=/usr/lib/doc/src/core_autodoc.xml SYSTEM_DOC_PATH=/usr/lib/doc/ SYSTEM_MODULE_PATH=/usr/lib/pike/modules LOCAL_MODULE_PATH=$$HOME/lib/pike/modules RUNPIKE=pike all make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop. install error: make all failed.
the following files have been preserved in /root/.monger:
the following directories have been preserved in /root/.monger:
Sql_Provider_SQLite-1.6 =======================================================================
I also tried compile it myself, so I first set PIKE_SRC_DIR to the pike source directory, but after I run ./configure and make, it call cvs to do something, but compalin that No CVSROOT specified.
But I don't know what value should I set.
So, how can I install this module so that I can use SQLite in Pike?
Thanks for your help.