The Pike's CVS is broken.
cvs server: Updating 7.5 cvs server: cannot open directory //pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.5: No such file or directory cvs server: skipping directory 7.5
Browsing the CVS on http://pike.ida.liu.se/ also shows strange problems.
/ David Gourdelier
In the last episode (Apr 28), David Gourdelier said:
The Pike's CVS is broken.
cvs server: Updating 7.5 cvs server: cannot open directory //pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.5: No such file or directory cvs server: skipping directory 7.5
Browsing the CVS on http://pike.ida.liu.se/ also shows strange problems.
7.5 is dead. Long live its children, 7.6 and 7.7!
Dan Nelson wrote:
In the last episode (Apr 28), David Gourdelier said:
The Pike's CVS is broken.
cvs server: Updating 7.5 cvs server: cannot open directory //pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.5: No such file or directory cvs server: skipping directory 7.5
Browsing the CVS on http://pike.ida.liu.se/ also shows strange problems.
7.5 is dead. Long live its children, 7.6 and 7.7!
Ok but 7.5 is still on http://pike.ida.liu.se/development/cvs/browse.xml?module=Pike and 7.6 and 7.6 directories are half empty in this same browser.
/ David
The CVS is not broken, at least not in any serious way. Since Pike 7.5 became 7.6 a few days ago, 7.5 does not exist any longer and if you wish to keep up with the development branch, you should use 7.7 instead.
Perhaps we should say something about the policy of removing old development branches on the website?
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 17:08: Subject: CVS is broken
The Pike's CVS is broken.
cvs server: Updating 7.5 cvs server: cannot open directory //pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.5: No such file or directory cvs server: skipping directory 7.5
Browsing the CVS on http://pike.ida.liu.se/ also shows strange problems.
/ David Gourdelier
/ Brevbäraren
Cant 7.5 be an alias for 7.7?
/ Petter Larsson (slutPuttad, numer StOFil)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 17:54: Subject: CVS is broken
The CVS is not broken, at least not in any serious way. Since Pike 7.5 became 7.6 a few days ago, 7.5 does not exist any longer and if you wish to keep up with the development branch, you should use 7.7 instead.
Perhaps we should say something about the policy of removing old development branches on the website?
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)
If we haven't moved to svn before the next branch point, something is very wrong. :-) I'm busy updating the cvs browser to know about the new state of the world now, by the way; I was busy the past few days, and didn't get the time to do it more promptly.
/ Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 17:54: Subject: CVS is broken
The CVS is not broken, at least not in any serious way. Since Pike 7.5 became 7.6 a few days ago, 7.5 does not exist any longer and if you wish to keep up with the development branch, you should use 7.7 instead.
Perhaps we should say something about the policy of removing old development branches on the website?
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)
Sure, but what would the point be? It's no problem to remove the old development repository once it becomes the stable release and then fork a new development branch. It's just the way Pike has choosen to do things.
It is better to document this policy instead of inventing bad fixes. I think David was not aware of this practise and thus his conclusion that the repository was broken. If he had known that it's now called 7.7, he would have checked that out instead.
It might be that David is sitting on a bunch of changes that he wants to commit to the tree, but that is a different problem. To counter that, we need a procedure to feature freeze the development branch before declaring it stable.
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 17:56: Subject: CVS is broken
Cant 7.5 be an alias for 7.7?
/ Petter Larsson (slutPuttad, numer StOFil)
It's not too difficult to change the CVS/Repository files using bin/rsif, if you want to keep the tree with local changes.
zsh% bin/rsif 7.5 7.7 **/CVS/Repository
there, done. :-)
/ Mirar
Previous text:
2004-04-28 18:09: Subject: CVS is broken
Sure, but what would the point be? It's no problem to remove the old development repository once it becomes the stable release and then fork a new development branch. It's just the way Pike has choosen to do things.
It is better to document this policy instead of inventing bad fixes. I think David was not aware of this practise and thus his conclusion that the repository was broken. If he had known that it's now called 7.7, he would have checked that out instead.
It might be that David is sitting on a bunch of changes that he wants to commit to the tree, but that is a different problem. To counter that, we need a procedure to feature freeze the development branch before declaring it stable.
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)
Or "pike -x rsif" instead of "bin/rsif".
/ Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 18:15: Subject: CVS is broken
It's not too difficult to change the CVS/Repository files using bin/rsif, if you want to keep the tree with local changes.
zsh% bin/rsif 7.5 7.7 **/CVS/Repository
there, done. :-)
/ Mirar
I've used
find . -name Repository | xargs pike -x rsif 7.5 7.7 cvs up -dAP
and it appears portable across all the systems I work on.
/ Martin Nilsson (räfsfiskal)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 18:23: Subject: CVS is broken
Or "pike -x rsif" instead of "bin/rsif".
/ Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!)
I just finished reindexing and switching databases on the cvs browser, so the 7.6 tree isn't sparse any more. For some interesting reason the 7.5 entry still lives there, albeit very scarcely. Peculiar. Must have been some unprocessed commit notify files lying about from earlier.
/ Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!)
Previous text:
2004-04-28 18:43: Subject: Re: CVS is broken
Dan Nelson wrote:
In the last episode (Apr 28), David Gourdelier said:
The Pike's CVS is broken.
cvs server: Updating 7.5 cvs server: cannot open directory //pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.5: No such file or directory cvs server: skipping directory 7.5
Browsing the CVS on http://pike.ida.liu.se/ also shows strange problems.
7.5 is dead. Long live its children, 7.6 and 7.7!
Ok but 7.5 is still on http://pike.ida.liu.se/development/cvs/browse.xml?module=Pike and 7.6 and 7.6 directories are half empty in this same browser.
/ David
/ Brevbäraren
Sure, but what would the point be? It's no problem to remove the old development repository once it becomes the stable release and then fork a new development branch. It's just the way Pike has choosen to do things.
Yes, would be a good thing.
It is better to document this policy instead of inventing bad fixes. I think David was not aware of this practise and thus his conclusion that the repository was broken. If he had known that it's now called 7.7, he would have checked that out instead.
Yes. But why not creating new CVS branches for each stable release ?
/ David Gourdelier
Yes. But why not creating new CVS branches for each stable release ?
It allows us to do "hard" changes in the CVS tree, like renaming directories and convert a file into a directory (consider .pmod).
/ Martin Nilsson (räfsfiskal)
Previous text:
2004-05-05 01:36: Subject: Re: CVS is broken
Sure, but what would the point be? It's no problem to remove the old development repository once it becomes the stable release and then fork a new development branch. It's just the way Pike has choosen to do things.
Yes, would be a good thing.
It is better to document this policy instead of inventing bad fixes. I think David was not aware of this practise and thus his conclusion that the repository was broken. If he had known that it's now called 7.7, he would have checked that out instead.
Yes. But why not creating new CVS branches for each stable release ?
/ David Gourdelier
/ Brevbäraren