[nilsson@mahoro 7.5]$ pike --version Pike v7.5 release 17 Copyright © 1994-2004 Linköping University Pike comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; Read the files COPYING and COPYRIGHT in the Pike distribution for more details. [nilsson@mahoro 7.5]$ pike -x Pike -x specificed without tool name. Available tools: assemble_autodoc Assembles AutoDoc output file. benchmark Runs some built in Pike benchmarks. cgrep Context aware grep. dump Dumps pike files into object files. extract_autodoc Extracts autodoc from Pike or C code. extract_locale Pike locale extractor utility hilfe Hubbes Interactive LPC FrontEnd. join_autodoc Joins AutoDoc extractions. module Pike module installer. pv Pike image viewer (diet). rsif Replaces strings in files. rsqld Implements an rsql daemon.
I don't remember when it was added. Perhaps a year ago.
/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)
Previous text:
2004-01-27 11:58: Subject: Re: pike -x testing
I'd like to see
$ pike -x Pike: You must provide the name of a tool. Available tools:
module Build a standalone pike module. pv Image viewer bench Pike benchmark
It would be nice to have the testsuite exersize all supported tools, and have pike -x testsuite run the testsuite.
This should be a really good idea !
/ Brevbäraren