The test program below shows an I/O error for Pike 8.1, and it shows Result "{\n" " "error": "invalid_grant",\n" " "error_description": "Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token (60 minutes) and in a reasonable timeframe. Check your iat and exp values and use a clock with skew to account for clock differences between systems."\n" "}" (which is correct) for Pike 8.0.
int main(int argc, array(string) argv) { Protocols.HTTP.Query q; q = Protocols.HTTP.do_method("POST", "", 0, ([ "user-agent":"Mozilla 4.0 (Pike OAuth2 Client 1.0)", "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ]), 0, "grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Ajwt-bearer&" "assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NTgyMT" "A3ODIsInNjb3BlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlYXBpcy5jb20vYXV0aC9jb21" "wdXRlLnJlYWRvbmx5IiwianRpIjoiYzA3YjM5MDUtNjQ4MC00YjI0LTgyYWMtNzJi" "M2U5MzE3NDE4IiwiaWF0IjoxNTU4MjA3MTgyLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5nb" "29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9vYXV0aDIvdjQvdG9rZW4iLCJpc3MiOiJjdWNpYm90QGFuZ2" "VsaWMtaG93bC0yMzYxMjMuaWFtLmdzZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC5jb20ifQ.HgT4S-sa" "Cz4hh-7mDdU8LnTLvs1wGCrCzydBiwC7XTFL2EtTsAg0U2HFXr_5kztVhqp6yvAW5" "4xQw5gGSsetSszmdpHEFDwmVmIHfUlvpXeXCLoOx3_Bgphuj4pqigg0Czg2suyl3X" "lpjSNtWC_spJHBtARk8zqXhpx1vnFNU-q1NAMvNRYzXI-aE1od8sOsbxPCFoHDKn-" "pBKs7nNTnNV24BQcYfOCq6Mxiy-ZgYkDZxmM6YbtGastSwcJlGvQt5M9x4BveX-i4" "AqBAMCxZ-d5P_Lc3PqZxSuTVCoxpRGzDGsC6oINEe5tnD08zVFQ1moi-F6aTkaV2W" "m7uODhDmw" ); werror("Result %O\n", q->data()); return 0; }
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
The test program below shows an I/O error for Pike 8.1, and it shows
My new Google API code seems to be ready for production. However, I switched back to Pike 8.0 to develop it, due to the broken SSL implementation of Pike 8.1
Unfortunately I used the promise interface to the database, which is not in Pike 8.0. Anyone know a quick fix for the broken SSL in 8.1? If not, it looks like I'd have to rewrite the promise db calls to use callbacks instead.
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
The test program below shows an I/O error for Pike 8.1, and it shows
Seems to be due to an incompatibility in the implementation of Curve25519.
Try disabling Curve25519 for now (by eg disable it in the mapping ECC_CURVES in SSL.pmod/Constants.pmod).
After your most recent patch, I get this:
Unsupported curve: GROUP_ecdh_x25519. /usr/local/pike/8.1.13/lib/modules/SSL.pmod/Cipher.pmod:1278: SSL.Cipher.KeyExchangeECDHE()->parse_server_key_exchange(SSL.Buffer(109 byte s, read=[..2] data=[3..111] free=[112..212] allocated)) /usr/local/pike/8.1.13/lib/modules/SSL.pmod/Cipher.pmod:457: SSL.Cipher.KeyExchangeECDHE()->got_server_key_exchange(@0=SSL.Buffer(109 byt es, read=[..2] data=[3..111] free=[112..212] allocated),"BÃÛ\206>\202Ýë\177| q¤ekÿ\205ZÌ^x\200ÞW+²{±æ`Ý/~","\è\r\230 vDsAÅ\206ÝÛÕ\230\e©ÔM%\t*î\vDOWNGRD \1")
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Seems to be due to an incompatibility in the implementation of Curve25519.
Try disabling Curve25519 for now (by eg disable it in the mapping ECC_CURVES in SSL.pmod/Constants.pmod).
After your most recent patch, I get this:
Unsupported curve: GROUP_ecdh_x25519.
It seems like this was due to "make install" not removing the old *.o files. After removing everything and reinstalling, it seems to work. Apologies for the noise.