(forwarding this for matt, martin)
I am pleased to inform everyone concerned that the most preferred dates have been confirmed and facilities booked in Copenhagen, Denmark.
14 + 15 + 16 November 2007.
First 2 days will be located at Copenhagen University. Last official day is at a carrier neutral datacentre also located in Copenhagen.
Further days, for those who have time to stay longer, are TBA, depending on interest.
I now hope everyone can look at calendars to ensure they have adequate time to attend the official program, it will be a very good chance to carry on discussions from last year in Riga, as well as discuss new developments undertaken since.
All submissions for presentation or discussion topics are welcome.
Please forward your submissions to the list, and/or you can attach documents by email to matt@webhaven.eu
We will construct a 2007 website and publish a clear program for the 3 days.
Pike Conference 2007 Copenhagen, Denmark
if (Human.Programmer("meaning you")->wants_to_go()) { go(); }