Should any of the following have a CHANGES note?:
* ADT.Heap: Added low_peek().
* Fix GTK2.SourceBuffer undo/redo signal names * Fix spelling of composite[d]_changed signal - Is that an API change or where the signals not properly hooked up before?
* Crypto/SSL
- There is a ton of Crypto/SSL changes. I'm just going to trust Nilsson and/or Grubba to make sure relevant things are in CHANGES.
Hmm, probably a typo, documentation says composited-changed for both gtk2 and 3. Looks like it may have existed since 2.10. I think it probably hasn't been tested. There are a lot of signals that would be hard to test without a complex test.
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On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Peter Bortas @ Pike developers wrote: Should any of the following have a CHANGES note?:
* ADT.Heap: Added low_peek().
* Fix GTK2.SourceBuffer undo/redo signal names * Fix spelling of composite[d]_changed signal - Is that an API change or where the signals not properly hooked up before?
* Crypto/SSL
- There is a ton of Crypto/SSL changes. I'm just going to trust Nilsson and/or Grubba to make sure relevant things are in CHANGES.
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Lance Dillon wrote:
Hmm, probably a typo, documentation says composited-changed for both gtk2 and 3. Looks like it may have existed since 2.10. I think it probably hasn't been tested. There are a lot of signals that would be hard to test without a complex test.
Correct, they were simple typo fixes. You can query an object's signals in C, so I put together a quick script to try to find those typos. There was no functionality change there.