I'm ramping up for getting (my own) ChiliMoon development on track again. In the course of this, I decided that I want to use SVK to administer the source tree(s) (which uses SVN (Subversion) as a backend).
Now, in order to fully import the Roxen/ChiliMoon/Pike CVS including all the history, I can either pull this from the network CVS versions of each. However, this takes a long time to finish.
Would it be possible to give me a tar.gz of each of these three CVS repositories? (Henrik/mast, please see if you can arrange this for Roxen; Pike, I don't know who to ask; ChiliMoon, I'm not sure either). After importing this snapshot, I'm able to stay synced from the net-CVS versions (SVK allows for automatic syncing every night).
In return I'll host these three SVN repositories publically again (for anonymous checkouts; or even for checkins (provided I authorise you, of course) in my development versions of them). Additionally, the SVN repositories can be made available for tar.gz download again for anyone wanting to create his own local SVN/SVK repository of them (or even for ida.liu.se to host the official repositories, and switch to SVN/SVK in the process).
Additionally, since SVN/SVK support file/directory rename/move versioning; I plan to really branch the ChiliMoon source history from the Roxen repository so that diffs and future parallel development are natively supported by the revision control system without having to resort to manual intervention to deal with the different file-layout.
I presume there was a clean copy of Roxen CVS to ChiliMoon CVS at some point back in time?
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 01:49:24PM +0100, Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
After importing this snapshot, I'm able to stay synced from the net-CVS versions (SVK allows for automatic syncing every night).
both ways?
greetings, martin.
Martin B?hr wrote:
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 01:49:24PM +0100, Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
After importing this snapshot, I'm able to stay synced from the net-CVS versions (SVK allows for automatic syncing every night).
both ways?
Yes, both ways. But I haven't tested pushing from SVK to CVS yet. And I won't use it until I've tested it.