Probably not. It doesn't solve the problems a typical Pike programmer has. It might be useful for people developing Pike on a C level though.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)
Previous text:
2002-09-04 19:03: Subject: unbug
does anybody use it at all?
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)
yeah, that's the thought... Somebody asked me about a debugger, it turned out unbug doesn't load, I fixed that in CVS, but it still seems not to work correctly :(
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)
Previous text:
2002-09-04 19:40: Subject: unbug
Probably not. It doesn't solve the problems a typical Pike programmer has. It might be useful for people developing Pike on a C level though.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)
Perhaps you need your Pike compiled with extra debug (just guessing here). You do need a gdb in your path.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)
Previous text:
2002-09-04 19:43: Subject: unbug
yeah, that's the thought... Somebody asked me about a debugger, it turned out unbug doesn't load, I fixed that in CVS, but it still seems not to work correctly :(
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)
unbug starts fine, gives a prompt, gdb is accessible etc. but doing 'break main' shows a "compilation error" backtrace - I might be getting the syntax wrong, tho:
(unbug) break main -:3:'main' undefined. Describing error: Compilation failed. /usr/lib/pike7.3/7.3.51/master.pike:254: master()->compile_string("import __THIS_OBJECT__;\nmixed func() { return (mixed) ( main\n ); }\n","-",unbug.Debug.EvalHandler()) unbug:2053: eval("main\n") unbug:2533: set_breakpoint("main") unbug:2668: command("break main") unbug:2759: interact() unbug:2891: main(2,({"/usr/src/cvs/Pike/7.3/bin/unbug","/usr/local/bin/pike","test_pike.pike"}))
(unbug) break main() -:2:'main' undefined. Describing error: Compilation failed. /usr/lib/pike7.3/7.3.51/master.pike:254: master()->compile_string("import __THIS_OBJECT__;\nmixed func() { return (mixed) ( main()\n ); }\n","-",unbug.Debug.EvalHandler()) unbug:2053: eval("main()\n") unbug:2533: set_breakpoint("main()") unbug:2668: command("break main()") unbug:2759: interact() unbug:2891: main(2,({"/usr/src/cvs/Pike/7.3/bin/unbug","/usr/local/bin/pike","test_pike.pike"}))
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)
Previous text:
2002-09-04 19:45: Subject: unbug
Perhaps you need your Pike compiled with extra debug (just guessing here). You do need a gdb in your path.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)