That makes sense. Maybe there should be some provision to be able to remove defines (as well as adding new ones).
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-12-19 03:43: Subject: Re: fork()ing into background (was Pike 7.6)
How about arguments like module paths and defines? Should these be part of the "environment" passed on to the newly started Pike?
Any thoughts?
On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 07:15 PM, Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS @ Pike developers forum wrote:
Would it be necessary to put this in master(), as that's where the easiest access to agv/c would be?
Some support in the master is necessary, but the function itself probably belongs in the Process module. There are already two variables _pike_file_name and _master_file_name in the master for this.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
/ Brevbäraren