Can anyone tell me when a module belongs in post_modules instead of modules?
When it needs to run custom Pike code (i.e. not just precompile.pike) as part of its build process. I don't think Nettle really needs to be in post_modules, for example.
Hmm, when I put GSSAPI in post_modules it was because there was no need for it to be in modules, i.e. I regarded post_modules as the default location.
Modules that needs a pike to be built. It's a bit confused these days where lots of things have cmod, so I'm not sure anymore.
post_modules was created when you *didn't* need a Pike to create a Pike from the CVS source. :)
Typical example was the GTK module which used a Pike script to create the C source.
Only as long as it doesn't make the already complex module build sequencing even more complex, and I kinda doubt that. Still, it could perhaps be cleaned up a bit by moving over all modules that doesn't have to be there (including my GSSAPI).
I think if there should be a module cleanup, there should be a separation between Pike inner core and non-core modules.
(That doesn't mean that the exported package itself shouldn't come with a ton of useful modules.)
I'd also like to get the whole ton of modules whenever I do a checkout, when I build a pike, and when xenofarm does it. That would probably improve code quality.
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 12:45:02PM +0000, Mirar @ Pike developers forum wrote:
post_modules was created when you *didn't* need a Pike to create a Pike from the CVS source. :)
but the pike needed to export pike from cvs and the pike needed to build a module are not necesarily the same. the need for pike at export time should be as small as possible, and anything that can be delayed to build-time should be.
code that runs in post_modules has the advantage of being able to rely on the latest pike version instead of having to be able to deal with an older version. the export code needs to be conservative, so that it will run with any old pike version.
greetings, martin.