This is definitely not the first time this has been brought up as a desired feature. I'm sure it's also not the last time it will be mentioned.
I know that there's been some steps towards this goals but that it's not exactly close to archieving it. I think we all want pike to be embeddable though.
As for more detailed status or information on how hard this would be to do, I will leave that to those more involved in the core Pike programming.
/ David Hedbor
Previous text:
2004-02-23 16:39: Subject: Embedding Pike into C/C++ game
I just discovered Pike today, and the more I read the more I am impressed. I am one of the authors of the game library called ClanLib (, and I'm currently working on a game I need some scripting for. I've used LUA so far, but really Pike seems better for my needs. I also wanted to add some Pike support to ClanLib.
I read about CMODs and thought this looked good. Easy to get my C functions called from Pike. Excellent.
Then I tried to find out how to embed Pike into my C++ app. Didn't find anything. Asked on IRC; helpful guys there said it wasn't possible. Had to run pike, and embed my C app.
That was a big showstopper to me. Nothing can be perfect I tried to relax myself with :)
I basically want Pike as a library I can link into my app, and a set of API functions to control it with.
So, now I'm wondering if this amazing language called Pike has any plans for embedding any time soon?
I'm sure many game programmers will find Pike a very good alternative to LUA and Python (the two most popular with game programmers it seems), had it only had embedding possibilities.
I know from personal experience on ClanLib, that we (the devs) only work on whatever we find interesting. But I write this letter in hope that I can at least raise a voice regarding what a user want. Perhaps there are more like me.
Hope to hear from some devs regarding the plans (if any).
Best regards, Kenneth Gangstø Norway
/ Brevbäraren