on http://pike.ida.liu.se/about/site/future.xml i found the following statement:
There are plans on scrapping the current wiki and replacing the quick proof-of-concept RXML hack in use today with a real implementation, either UseModWiki or if we can stand the wait, Leif's master's thesis project wiki.
i am currently implementing a wiki parser in pike for sTeam. shouldn't take much to wrap a roxen module around it.
also, leif could you share some bits about your master thesis?
greetings, martin.
When Marcus is done with his subversion glue I intend to use it as backend for my wiki module. But then, if I could avoid work I'd be more than happy to.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)
Previous text:
2002-11-19 07:58: Subject: pike wiki
on http://pike.ida.liu.se/about/site/future.xml i found the following statement:
There are plans on scrapping the current wiki and replacing the quick proof-of-concept RXML hack in use today with a real implementation, either UseModWiki or if we can stand the wait, Leif's master's thesis project wiki.
i am currently implementing a wiki parser in pike for sTeam. shouldn't take much to wrap a roxen module around it.
also, leif could you share some bits about your master thesis?
greetings, martin.
interested in doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training, sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world. -- pike programmer working in europe csl-gmbh.net open-steam.org (www.archlab|(www|db).hb2).tuwien.ac.at unix bahai.or.at iaeste.(tuwien.ac|or).at systemadministrator (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org is.(schon.org|root.at) Martin Bähr http://www.iaeste.or.at/~mbaehr/
/ Brevbäraren
On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 08:05:01AM +0100, Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
When Marcus is done with his subversion glue I intend to use it as backend for my wiki module. But then, if I could avoid work I'd be more than happy to.
a subversion backend would be very interresting for a standalone wiki (ie a plain roxen module without further dependencies). i am using sTeam as a backend and the pike site for now could use sitebuilder as the backend.
greetings, martin.