I'm pleased to announce a "technology preview" release of FinScribe, a Pike based weblog/wiki (bliki) application. This new application provides a number of useful collaboration tools, and (for perhaps the first time) gives Pike users a viable alternative to Perl and PHP based applications.
While it's still very young software, FinScribe is already able to take the place of more mature products, such as SnipSnap, and has been running in a Production environment for over a month.
I'd encourage everyone to have a look at the FinScribe home page (powered by FinScribe, of course :)):
The page includes feature information and download locations. I'd be pleased to hear thoughts, comments and feedback about this initial "technology preview" release. My intention is to release this application under a liberal license (haven't decided which one yet), so patches and volunteer coders are welcome!
Best regards,