the following code: $ cat foo.pike mixed __initstuff=lambda() { foobar=foobar->gazong; }();
void main() { return 0; } $ pike7.6 foo.pike foo.pike:3:Undefined identifier "foobar". foo.pike:3:Undefined identifier "foobar". foo.pike:3:Indexing a void expression. Segmentation fault
fails without main() too.
$ pike7.6 --dumpversion 7.6.33
i don't have a newer pike available at the moment. can anyone test this with the latest?
greetings, martin.
I noticed there were some changes to the image generating comments in cvs. I have some companion modules (GDK2.pmod, Gnome2.pmod, and Pango.pmod), that are the equivalent to GDK.pmod for GTK that I can add to cvs so that those changes shouldn't be necessary.
On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 13:50 +0000, Martin Nilsson (Opera) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Can you have both GTK and GTK2 running in the same process?
Personally, I would think so. None of the symbols in either are exported out of the module, other than the classes themselves, and the classes are different (GTK vs. GTK2). I could be wrong, however.
Which reminds me: What is the purpose of pgtk2_symbol_remap.h? Is it just to allow both GTK modules to be statically linked?