I suspect these problems depend on the new typechecker...
bin/mkpeep.pike:463:Too many arguments to sprintf. bin/mkpeep.pike:463:Expected: function(string(8), int(0..2147483647) : string) bin/mkpeep.pike:463:Got : function(string(8), int, string : void | mixed)
463: buf->add_line( sprintf("%*n}", ind, test) );
Can't work around that. Copying an old peep.c,
bin/precompile.pike:2006:Too many arguments to sprintf. bin/precompile.pike:2006:Expected: function(string(8), object | int, object | string, object | int, object | string : string) bin/precompile.pike:2006:Got : function(string(8), int, string, int, string, string : void | mixed)
2006: PC.Token(sprintf("if(Pike_sp[%d%s].type != PIKE_T_STRING || Pike_sp[%d%s].ustring -> width)", 2007: argnum,check_argbase, 2008: argnum,check_argbase, 2009: upper_case(arg->basetype())),arg->line())
This is true, however I don't think "too many arguments to sprintf" should be an error, but a warning, unless it's strict_types. (But that's my personal opinion.)