I'm having a problem extracting some autodocs from some code I'm writing, and I'm getting an error:
Reading template file structure/module_modref.html... Splitting to destination directory /export/home/hww3/blah//refdoc/modref... Illegal element public in mode type. presentation/make_html.pike:846:
/usr/local/pike/7.6.50/doc/src/presentation/tree-split-autodoc()->parse_type(Parser.XML.Tree.ElementNode(#0:2,public),UNDEFINED) presentation/make_html.pike:973:
/usr/local/pike/7.6.50/doc/src/presentation/tree-split-autodoc()->parse_not_doc(Parser.XML.Tree.ElementNode(#0:2,docgroup)) presentation/make_html.pike:1063:
/usr/local/pike/7.6.50/doc/src/presentation/tree-split-autodoc()->parse_docgroup(@0=Parser.XML.Tree.ElementNode(#0:2,docgroup)) presentation/make_html.pike:1076:
/usr/local/pike/7.6.50/doc/src/presentation/tree-split-autodoc()->parse_children(Parser.XML.Tree.ElementNode(#0:2,class),"docgroup",/usr/local/pike/7.6. 50/doc/src/presentation/tree-split-autodoc()->parse_docgroup)
I can send the module_modref.xml for this, but I've looked and it looks okay; there are <public/> elements within the modifiers block for a number of elements; this seems normal to me. Am I missing something, or is there a bug somewhere. I figured I'd ask before I went digging in the murky waters of autodoc.
I'm having a problem extracting some autodocs from some code I'm writing, and I'm getting an error:
Seems the public modifier was forgotten by the person that wrote presentation/make_html.pike.
Fixed, thanks.
I can send the module_modref.xml for this, but I've looked and it looks okay; there are <public/> elements within the modifiers block for a number of elements; this seems normal to me. Am I missing something, or is there a bug somewhere. I figured I'd ask before I went digging in the murky waters of autodoc.
The reason is probably that the public modifier is used almost never.