wouldn't it be nice to get more information if you call a function with the wrong arguments?
Compiler Error: 1:Expected: function(string, string, string | void, mapping | void : mixed)
eg. would it be possible that the above error line also includes the names of the variables? the compiler has access to the source, so it could just print the whole function declaration.
for added bonus, it could even print any comments that appear right before the function or inside at the beginning of the block?
greetings, martin.
It does not have access to the C level source, where the arguments might not even have names.
/ Martin Nilsson (DivX Networks)
Previous text:
2004-09-10 06:23: Subject: crazy ideas: moe detailed errors
wouldn't it be nice to get more information if you call a function with the wrong arguments?
Compiler Error: 1:Expected: function(string, string, string | void, mapping | void : mixed)
eg. would it be possible that the above error line also includes the names of the variables? the compiler has access to the source, so it could just print the whole function declaration.
for added bonus, it could even print any comments that appear right before the function or inside at the beginning of the block?
greetings, martin.
/ Brevbäraren
ok, that limits this to pike functions, but that would still be usefull.
the c level could eventually be extended with an api to export such information. (some variable containing a string with the pike version of the function declaration including comments.
greetings, martin.