If I'm not mistaken, the use of threads already at startup has been done away with now. So it should work fine to use fork to release a process from a command shell.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-12-16 22:45: Subject: Re: Pike 7.6
Martin prodded me to comment on the list, so here are my brain dumpings:
The module build system is essentially done. It would be nice to get a module download option in before 7.6 is released. If that happens more than 2 weeks out, there's a good chace of that happening as well.
The process title change feature requires either setproctitle() or access to argv. Neither method is portable to Solaris (or rather, has no effect on solaris).
Detaching process from console can be accomplished using a clunky workaround (Process.create_process). Ideally, fork() could be modified to allow forking() early in the program. Has anyone considered working on this?
I've done some preliminary work on the aclocal addition. I'll get it out for review in a day or so. Keep reminding me about this if I forget.
I have some notes that I'd like to add to Lance's insights on the module C-API
internationalisation / localization
I think we covered these at the conference, the result was "use the Locale module". Q: Is there any code out there to create the xml files that the Local module can read?
yeah, right.
add a function or option to create_process that conveniently starts a pike interpreter with another pike script
would be a nice alternative to fixing fork(), but on many systems, pike takes a long time to start up (>5 sec).
module repository
I'm working on a proof of concept, that would be fully functional. Expect more in the next two weeks or so.
/ Brevbäraren