We have tried to address all those. We have a set of fallbacks and tests for builtins for the compilers we could think of. One unrelated problem we ran into was that a pike compiled with icc segfaults when compiled with default --with-machine-code. Without that everything seems to be fine. We did not try to compile on windows, however we will give that a try aswell.
On Tue, 22 Feb 2011, Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
| Begin tests at Tue Feb 22 11:44:41 2011 (pid 5107) | Doing tests in post_modules/CritBit/testsuite (704 tests) | Total tests: 704 (0 tests skipped) | Finished tests at Tue Feb 22 11:44:49 2011
So, the following issues remain then:
- Makefile.in needs to be fixed, see 9a3d000 in the main repository
for reference.
#pragmas should be removed
Use of __attribute should be removed, or at least made conditional
on gcc (including version)
- __bultin_X must be tested for, and portable alternatives used if
they do not exist (looks like you did this for __builtin_expect already, so that leaves __builtin_clz, __builtin_clzl, __builtin_clzll, __builtin_bswap32, and __builtin_bswap64)