I think that with the exception of post_modules, it should be possible to generate proper dependencies without having a working pike. For cmods, it's just a question of running gcc -MM -MG on the .cmod instead of on the generated file, since they contain the same #include directives.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2003-02-19 21:10: Subject: make depend (7.5 cvs)
That is the same problem I ran into a while ago. The current solution is appearantly to do "make srcclean" or something to remove all the generated files, including the dependency files.
I think that make depend always should succeed and not be dependant on Pike. If there is parts of the depend tree that depends on Pike, and Pike isn't built yet, and the system Pike is worthless, those dependency files should at least be cleared, or marked so that they get remade when Pike is built.
/ Mirar