Yep. Giving out small assignments and pretending that you need help with them is probably a good idea, but it makes you feel like a kindergarten teacher cheating children into doing something.
Speaking of small assignments... I've made a lot of notes for new chapters in the manual. I don't have time to do anything with them now, but if someone wants to be a real hero and help Pike where it is currently weakest, then please do.
<chapter title="Preprocessor">
<section title="Predefined defines"> <!-- <insert-move entity="define::"/> --> </section>
ANSI/DEC escape sequences will be treated as white spaces. Format supported: <ESC>[\040-\077]+[\100-\177] and <CSI>[\040-\077]*[\100-\177]
Six "<" in a row will generate an "CVS conflict detected." error.
#if defined(X) efun(X) constant(X)
#! #line, 0-9 #" " #string #include " " < > #ifdef #ifndef #endif #else #elseif #elif #error #define ... varargs maxargs=255 #define A(x,y,z) x##y##z #undef #undefine #charset #pragma all_inline all_nomask strict_types save_parent dont_save_parent #pike
Initial charset heuristic:
Index 0 | Index 1 | Interpretation --------+---------+------------------------------------------ 0 | 0 | 32bit wide string. 0 | >0 | 16bit Unicode string. >0 | 0 | 16bit Unicode string reverse byte order. 0xfe | 0xff | 16bit Unicode string. 0xff | 0xfe | 16bit Unicode string reverse byte order. 0x7b | 0x83 | EBCDIC-US ("#c"). 0x7b | 0x40 | EBCDIC-US ("# "). 0x7b | 0x09 | EBCDIC-US ("#\t"). --------+---------+------------------------------------------ Other | Other | 8bit standard string.
The file must be an multiple of 4 or 2 bytes in order to be correctly decoded as 32bit or 16bit wide string.
It's an error for a program written in EBCDIC not to start with a #charset directive.
* * Obfuscation note: * * * This still allows the rest of the file to be written in * another encoding than EBCDIC.
<chapter title="Using Pike">
<section title="Running Pike">
<subsection title="Command line arguments">
<matrix> <r><c>-V #, --compat #</c><c>compat_version #=%d.%d</c></r> <r><c>-v --version</c><c>version</c></r> <r><c>-h --help</c><c>help</c></r> <r><c>--features</c><c>features</c></r> <r><c>--info</c><c>info</c></r> <r><c>-e #, --execute #</c><c>execute</c></r> <r><c>--debug-without #</c><c>debug_without #=x,x,...</c></r> <r><c>-E #, --preprocess #</c><c>preprocess</c></r> <r><c>-M #, --module-path #</c><c>modpath</c></r> <r><c>-I #, --include-path #</c><c>ipath</c></r> <r><c>-P #, --program-path #</c><c>ppath</c></r> <r><c>--show-paths</c><c>showpaths</c></r> <r><c>-w, --warnings</c><c>warnings (warnings++)</c></r> <r><c>-W, --woff, --no-warnings</c><c>nowarnings (warnings--)</c></r> <r><c>--autoreload</c><c>autoreload (autoreload_on++)</c></r> <r><c>-m #</c><c>master</c></r> <r><c>--compiler-trace</c><c>compiler_trace</c></r> <r><c>--assembler-debug (#)</c><c>assembler_debug #=%d</c></r> <r><c>--optimizer-debug (#)</c><c>optimizer_debug #=%d</c></r> <r><c>--debug (#)</c><c>debug #=%d</c></r> <r><c>--trace (#)</c><c>trace #=%d (trace+=#)</c></r> <r><c>-Dqdatplrs</c><c>ignore</c></r> </matrix>
<!-- from argument parsing in main.c D # add_predefine m # master file ss # thread_stack_size s # Pike_stack_size (>= 256) q # instructions before quit d # debug [0-9] d_flag+=# c yydebug++ s debug signals t no tail recursion g gc reset dmalloc p no peep optimizing d d_flag++
r # runtime t runtime check types T runtime strict types
a [0-9] a_flag+=# a a_flag++ t [0-9} t_flag+=# t t_flag++ p # s sample stack [0-9] p_flag+=# p p_flag++ l [0-9] l_flag+=# l l_flag++ -->
<p>Debug without: "ttf" (_Image_TTF), "zlib" (Gz), "unisys" (_Image_GIF, _Image_ TIFF), "threads" (Thread, thread_create). Any other blocks the resolver.</p>
<subsection title="Environment variables">
<matrix> <r><c>PIKE_INCLUDE_PATH</c><c>p/":"</c></r> <r><c>PIKE_PROGRAM_PATH</c><c>p/":"</c></r> <r><c>PIKE_MODULE_PATH</c><c>p/":"</c></r> </matrix>
<section title="Using Hilfe"/>
<p>$HOME or $USERPROFILE 512 lines of history .hilfe_history .hilfe_history~ (chmod 0600) .hilferc
compile error "file:line:error" -:1:parse error, expecting `','' or `')''
commands ".\n"
/ Martin Nilsson (bygger parser
Previous text:
2003-01-07 02:26: Subject: Re: Inconsistency.
The AbiWord project has something that might be useful. In their newsletters (and I suspect elsewhere) they have something called POWs, an achronym for Project Of the Week, that are basicly of the form (text after '<--' is my own added comment):
Name: 4465 <-- this is a bug nr. (not necessarily) Description: This bug contains a compilation of numerous spelling-related bugs. Interested parties can do simple work, like Q&A to see what's still there, to more complex work, like dialogue fixin' and locale conversion If you have a current Abi and some time, you, too, can help Advertisement: My spelring dilog isn nt ther Recommended Outline: Whatever's easiest for you Comments: All in all, there's something for everyone in there. System: Any and every OS. AbiVersion: Current (1.0.3, I would guess, dev and cvs releases may occur as well) Challenge level: Variable Current Heros: First week available <-- a sort of history
It might be useful to have a special type of bug of this sort just to get people started. My own problem usually is that my time is verry limited therefore I forget interresting little jobs that I might, with or without some help, be able to do.
The problem with writing these sort of bugs is that you tend to fix them yourself (I've been using this for a project I'm handing over to someone else), but if you really focus att setting the bar low and *not* doing them yourself it may really pay off.
I dunno. It's just a simple suggestion.
/ Peter Lundqvist (disjunkt)