Hi Stephen,
Welcome back.
Good question. Obviously starting a new process is always going to be the most flexible/straight-forward approach. That's the approach I've been using, for a while now, however once you have 5-10 pike instances running in a resource constrained environment, elbow room begins to become a problem: the overhead of a running pike instance becomes important.
So, benefits might include:
- Minimize overhead of each additional pike interpreter - Enable easier solutions to embedded problems (as you suggest) - Enable multiple appplications to share a single port without having the (perhaps simply different) complexity of running a reverse proxy
There may be other "benefits" that I'm not thinking of, but those are the major benefits for me.
On Wed, 28 Mar 2012, Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
Bill Welliver wrote:
multi-tenant applications: that is, a single pike process running multiple applications (perhaps including copies of a given application) with isolated program and module spaces. The idea is to provide a similar capability to that provided by Java's ClassLoader API.
Interesting as such, but, what would be the real benefit of this approach as opposed to simply starting multiple instances of Pike? Or is this geared towards an embedded solution where starting another Pike is difficult and/or impossible? -- Stephen.
Being able to try has no purpose if failing is not an option.