I've just made some experiments for a replacement to ADT.struct and ADT.Struct:
program struct =
ADT.Serialize.SimpleStruct("struct", ADT.Serialize.Int32, "integer", ADT.Serialize.SimpleStruct("substruct", ADT.Serialize.String, "data" ), "sub");
object o = struct(14); indices(o);
(1) Result: ({ /* 5 elements */ "encode", "decode", "_integer", "integer", "sub" })
(2) Result: 14
(3) Result: substruct()
o->sub->data = "foobar";
(4) Result: "foobar"
A decent encoding API is easy:
(5) Result: "\0\0\0\16foobar"
Now to the hard part; a streaming decoder API...
As far as I know, there are two main approaches:
* Pull -- the user sends a data source (eg a file object) to the object, and it's up to the object to actually read the data. * Push -- the user reads the data in segments (typically with non-blocking I/O), and pushes it into the object.
The Pull API is the easiest to implement, but it has the following problems:
* Does not support non-blocking I/O. * Error recovery is complicated (eg if the source is a pipe/socket). * Extra over-head for the common case where you already have read the data.
The Push API on the other hand has the following problems:
* How to find where to restart the decoding when more data arrives. * How to signal that more data is needed/too much data was received.