Grubba just added that one. I'm investigating that one now.
/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)
Previous text:
2004-02-04 13:21: Subject: nettle
I get ~270 failed testsuite tests if I don't install Nettle. Then I get only 1 (what happened to the mktime test failures?),
/home/mirar/pike/src/modules/_Crypto/ Test 135 (shift 2) (CRNL) failed. 1: mixed a() { return 2: #pike 7.4 3: object aes_cbc = Crypto.cbc(Crypto.aes()); 4: aes_cbc->set_decrypt_key(String.hex2string("00000000000000000000000000000000")); 5: aes_cbc->set_iv(String.hex2string("00000000000000000000000000000000")); 6: string ct = String.hex2string("00000000000000000000000000000000"); 7: for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { 8: ct = aes_cbc->crypt_block(ct); 9: } 10: return ct; 11: ; } 12: mixed b() { return "FACA37E0B0C85373DF706E73F7C9AF86" ; } 13:
o->a(): /home/mirar/pike/longlongint/test-install/pike/7.5.15/lib/7.4/modules/Crypto.pmod/cbc() o->b(): "FACA37E0B0C85373DF706E73F7C9AF86"
/ Mirar