It is really worth to bring these issues up with Uwe. All the stuff listed in COPYRIGHT has licenses that allows us to package it with the licenses we do.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)
Previous text:
2002-11-12 02:15: Subject: pike.el
From the FSF point of view I guess IDA would have to sign papers just like any other contributor. I'd rather avoid that route simply because it makes me depend on the progress between two other parties I have no control over, and knowing all too well how things works in the real world that could easily take months.
For my own sake I'd be satisfied with a simple email from Uwe saying "Ok". Then I'd consider it safe for me to add those little functions to CC Mode and therefore to FSF just like any other change I make.
(. Or hey, you haven't caught on to my diabolical plan for personal profit, have you? I was sitting here in my castle cellar, watching tubes bubble in the moonlight, and all of a sudden I realized that those functions actually contains a wonderful algorithm that will provide me with endless riches and world domination if I just could scheme to get them away from IDA. So I crafted this insidious plan, adding 4000 lines of font locking code to CC Mode just to make it look believable. And like all evil masterminds I'm spilling it all to show how clever I am. .)
Anyway, this issue has made me think about other things I might write. If I make a library that is intended to be used not only in Pike, I'd be inclined to keep the copyright to avoid being hampered by things like this, and then only contribute the pike glue for it. The practical effect would be little else than that the library gets a copyright notice in COPYRIGHT, wouldn't it?
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS