On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 2:31 AM, Martin Bähr mbaehr@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at wrote:
if there are only few users is the risk of regressions more serious than not shipping pike at all? which will hurt users more? wouldn't dropping pike be the worst of all choices? i'd certainly call it a regression to pre-squeeze days.
I use Debian, and have one of my boxes on Wheezy. But I don't use Pike from the repo, because I prefer to run 7.9.5 straight from git, so popcon won't register me as a Pike user. The last time I apt-getted (apt-got?) a Pike was on an Ubuntu system that had only 7.6; after that, I just started building from source, and never went back to look in the repo.
Is there any chance to get 7.8.700 into sid now, and give it enough time for testing/unstable before Wheezy gets released? Or is it too late for that?