let me continue to play the devils advocate for a bit more...
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 04:30:01PM -0400, Johan Sundström, Lysator @ Pike developers forum wrote:
Swedish law is a long shot from American law when it comes to applying sane reasoning. :)
i am not refering to american 'in'-sane reasoning, but rather to eg. german (and i assume swedish) reasoning which in my opinion favours the rights of individuals over those of organizations, as organizations are in a much better position to dictate terms
the more uncommon an agreement is, the more likely it is that an individual missunderstood the rights it has, the more likely that such an individual will be favoured in a court decision.
some contracts are not even enforcible unless you can undouptedly prove that both parties agreed to it.
you also have to be very carefull that this contract is actually in the agreement with the law.
eg. it was mentioned that names are removed from code. according to the german urheberrecht certain rights are not transferable at all. these include the right to have my name associated with my work. (in other words, you may not remove names from the source. (note that while it turned out that you don't do that anyways, there was some doubt, so in the name of safety better make that clear))
i agree that if anyone wants to make trouble there will be problems no matter what.
greetings, martin.