You don't keep the copyright for contributions you send to the FSF either, but if you assign it to them, they in return give you the right to do essentially whatever you want with the code that was yours.
The situation is the same with Pike. The policy page should be more explicit on that, though.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-09-11 16:20: Subject: Re: IDA's policy on Pike contributions
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 10:00:50AM -0400, Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS @ Pike developers forum wrote:
I can't see any from a legal standpoint. What would that be?
As a copyright holder I've full rights to my work (code), so I can do whatever I want to (regardless of anyone else). In case if I lose my copyright I lose all my rights to the work (code), so I can not use as I wish anymore. Or?
There's perhaps some difference in the general politeness; "claim" sounds a bit presumptuous.
"claim" sounds like I've to give away something to someone else and forget about any rights.
Regards, /Al
/ Brevbäraren