Ok, next problem:
lib/modules/Remote.pmod/ seems to have been introduced in 0.6 (it is not included in the 0.5.108 dist available from pike.ida.liu.se), yet it earliest versions predate the 0.5/0.6 split. As far as I can see, the files have been developed in some other repository, and then had their ,v files moved into 0.6 somewhere between 0.6.101 and 0.6.103 (a long time after the split) judging by the fact that v0_6_103 is the first tag set in this directory.
The original repository for Remote.pmod does not seem to exist anywhere in projects/pike-modules at pelix.
So, how should I import this into subversion? My idea right now is to delay the commits until just after the 0.5/0.6 split, since there is nowhere to put them before that. Then the history would look like this:
rN: split 0.5/0.6
rN+1: first commit of Remote.pmod into the newly create 0.6 tree . . rN+k: last commit of Remote.pmod which predates the split
rN+k+1: first actual commit to 0.6 after split
The problem with this is that revisions N+1 to N+k will have a date which is lower than that of revision N, which may confuse some date-based operations. I could bump the dates, but that would destroy some information...